Tell-tale Signs Of A Toxic Friend
Many people cherish their friendships and want it to last. But there are times when friendships are not exactly what they seem. One can’t always be sure if a friendship is true or if it leads to a dangerous path that can cause damaged relationships. There are such friends that you may consider as toxic. […]
Signs That You Are In An Abusive Relationship
Love and a good relationship go hand in hand together. But there are times when people can have a wrong perception of both. Some may think that they are in a loving relationship when the truth is, they are a victim of abuse. Many women may fail to see whether they are in an abusive […]
Signs shes extremely jealous
She calls you every two hours just to say, “I love you,” but it is actually a premise to check up on you. She refuses to accept that you have female friends. When you get home from your boys’ night out, you get an all-night interrogation She doesn’t like you to go anywhere without her. […]
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